What is Legal Mediation

Are you unable to come to an agreement with your business partner? Do you have an issue with a landlord or tenant? From business related disagreements to legally complicated situations, mediation allows for an independent and unbiased vantage point. 

Mediation is defined as “the attempt to settle a legal dispute through the active participation of a third party (mediator) who works to find points of agreement and make those in conflict agree on a fair result.” Our team at Barnhill & Associates Counseling Center finds great value in this process, as it:

  • Creates a trusted, safe environment to better understand each side’s view

  • Develops confidence in both parties that the resolution will be reasonable

  • Provides an impartial guide who will evaluate risk factors of an agreement for both parties

  • Can be less costly than a lawsuit

  • Protects confidentiality 

At the end of the day, mediation can reduce stress and promote a fair resolution to complicated matters.

Our Legal Mediators

The Center has two trained Legal Mediators for your mediation needs. 

Matt Barnhill has been mediating for clients since 2004, when he graduated from his training at the University of Houston School of Law. Matt uses his background in counseling and ministry affairs to develop a unique perspective on adult and adolescent issues. 

Linda Horan has been a Legal Mediator since receiving her training at the Worklife Institute in 2005.  Also a certified Biblical Counselor and with a background extending to Social Work, Linda is able to see the complexity behind each party’s views.

BACC’s mediators provide independent, unbiased opinions to help both parties reach an agreement. Learn more about our mediators.